Anthony Popeck

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My name is Anthony Popeck and I'm a senior at Washington High School. This page is based on my likes and daily activities I do on a daily basis. If you have any further questions about me you can contact me at

School Schedule

Period Subject Teacher Room Number
1 Advanced English 12 Ms.Hiles 410
2 Anatomy Mr.Tiano 223
3 Study Hall Mr.Bunner 308
4 Statistics Mr.Burtch 307
5 Personal Training Mr.Clutter B026
6 World History Mr.Bunner 308
7 CHS Web Design Mr.Costantino 301
8 College Academy Teacher FCSX

Favorite Hobbies

  1. Basketball
  2. Lifting Weights
  3. Video Games
  4. Watch TV
  5. Sleeping

Favorite TV Shows

Favorite Websites

  1. Youtube
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. NBA
  5. DraftKings

My Future Plans

After I graduate from high school, I plan on attending a four year university and getting a degree in some type of pre-med. My plan is to study and work hard so I am able to get into a good Medical School. During Medical School, I am going to job shadow at the Washington Hospital to become better prepared to be an Anaesthesiologist.

After Medical School, I will have to complete my residency, which will take about 2 years to finally get my license as a certified Anaesthesiologist. Then I plan on getting a job at The Washington Hospital. My mom is in charge of the department that I am going into so I think that should give me a better chance at getting the job. It's a lot of schooling but once I get the job the amount of money I will make will be well worth all of the schooling. My future goals are to be very successful in Anaesthesiology and to make a lot of money doing it.